Market Analysis

Understand the global web technology playing field with Internet wide analysis

Market Analysis

Get access to our market analysis data with detailed reporting. We track over a quarter of a billion domains to provide you with truly global web usage history and market share information.

Deepak Shukla
Pearl Lemon

Using BuiltWith's tools we've already won two clients who've spent close to $60,000 with us.

Analysis and Research Tools

Investor Center

Interested in historical usage trends?

Track the rise and fall of a specific technology and compare it to its competitors.

BuiltWith has a comprehensive database of 106,063+ web technologies to choose from. Select a technology you're interested in and see its usage history across the web over the last 24+ years.

BuiltWith tracks data for different market segments separately. You can see usage trends and market share information for the entire internet or for only the biggest websites. We define segments of the top 10K, top 100K and top 1 Million websites based on Alexa and Tranco ratings.

View the usage trends for a particular sector or group of technologies

The 106,063+ technologies covered by BuiltWith have been grouped into more than 200 different categories and subcategories (for example, analytics packages, A/B testing tools, hosting providers, eCommerce platforms or Content Management Systems).

You can see who all of the players in each category are, big or small, and can quickly get a snapshot of the trends over time and the market share held by each competing technology.

Technology Distribution
Market Share

Do you want to know how markets change and evolve?

The BuiltWith data allows you to track the movement of customers between different web technologies. You'll be able to see how customers are changing their technology infrastructure over time.

This tool is especially helpful for identifying the major competitors for a particular technology as well highlighting any complementary technologies with a common customer base.