Build lists of websites from our database of 108,572+ web technologies and over 673 million websites showing which sites use shopping carts, analytics, hosting and many more. Filter by location, traffic, vertical and more.
Know your prospects platform before you talk to them. Improve your conversions with validated market adoption.
Get advanced technology market share information and country based analytics for all web technologies.
BuiltWith® covers 108,572+ internet technologies which include analytics, advertising, hosting, CMS and many more. See how the internet technology usage changes on a weekly basis. With Technology Trends data back to January 2000.
BuiltWith® tracks over 2500 eCommerce technologies across over 26 million eCommerce websites backed with extensive exportable attributes including spend, revenue, employee count, social media count, industry, location, rank and many more.
We use BuiltWith to keep on eye on emerging technology trends and have been able to research new customer segments and leads.
BuiltWith has been an integral partner in identifying key market segment opportunities for us.
Using BuiltWith's tools we've already won two clients who've spent close to $60,000 with us.
BuiltWith gives us the right amount of data mixed with intelligence to find prospects that matter. There's not a better tool to gain a competitive edge.
Error-prone AI aids - FT investigation into the struggle with error prone AI aids for blind internet uses backed by BuiltWith data.
Technical Leadership Indicators - World's six largest hedge fund uses BuiltWith data for technology benchmark.
Is A/B Testing Effective? - Harvard uses BuiltWith Data to see if A/B Testing is effective.
BuiltWith in MIT Technology Review - MIT used BuiltWith data in their A/B testing research piece.
WSJ Internet Research Piece - Read and watch the Wall Street Journals investigation backed by BuiltWith data.