
Classic ASPClassic ASP

Classic ASP Usage Statistics · Download List of All Websites using Classic ASP

Active Server Pages (ASP) is a server-side scripting environment that you can use to create and run dynamic, interactive Web server applications.

JavaScript Libraries and Functions


jQuery Usage Statistics · Download List of All Websites using jQuery

JQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript.

JavaScript Library

jQuery UIjQuery UI

jQuery UI Usage Statistics · Download List of All Websites using jQuery UI

jQuery UI provides abstractions for low-level interaction and animation, advanced effects and high-level, themeable widgets, built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library, that you can use to build highly interactive web applications.

Yahoo User InterfaceYahoo User Interface

Yahoo User Interface Usage Statistics · Download List of All Websites using Yahoo User Interface

The Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) Library is a set of utilities and controls, written in JavaScript, for building richly interactive web applications using techniques such as DOM scripting, DHTML and AJAX.

JavaScript Library

Operating Systems and Servers